BF正版 英语口语900句:速记活用全新版 新华书店畅销图书书籍 外语学习 英语技能学习 口语 易人外语教研组, 李文昊, 杨琪.

  • BF正版 英语口语900句:速记活用全新版 新华书店畅销图书书籍 外语学习 英语技能学习 口语 易人外语教研组, 李文昊, 杨琪.
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  • 出版社名称:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社
  • 出版时间:2016年6月
  • 作者:李文昊
  • 书名:英语口语900句--速记活用全新版




作者:易人外语教研组, 李文昊, 杨琪









商品重量:481 g




日常生活 Daily Life
饮食 Food
Chapter 1│烹饪 Cooking
Chapter 2│预订座位 Reservations
Chapter 3│点菜 Ordering Food
Chapter 4│酒吧 Going to the Bar
Chapter 5│自助餐 Buffet
Chapter 6│咖啡馆 Cafe
Chapter 7│打外带 Packing
Chapter 8│结账 Payment
Chapter 9│小费 Tips
Chapter 10│野餐 Picnic
Chapter 11│节食 On a Diet
起居 Living
Chapter 1│睡觉 Sleeping
Chapter 2│起床 Waking up
Chapter 3│租房买房 Renting and
Buying Houses
Chapter 4│家具家电 Furniture and
Household Appliances
Chapter 5│家事家务 Housework and
Chapter 6│周边环境 Surroundings
衣着 Clothes
Chapter 1│服装服饰 Clothing
Chapter 2│试穿衣服 Trying on Clothes
Chapter 3│款式质地 Fashion and Material
Chapter 4│退货换货 Getting a Refund
and Exchange
Chapter 5│清洗打理 Cleaning and
Chapter 6│网购 Online Shopping
人际交往 Social Communication
交际 Communication
Chapter 1│寒暄问候 Greetings
Chapter 2│团聚时刻 Reunion
Chapter 3│彼此介绍 Introduction
Chapter 4│邀请应答 Invitation and
Chapter 5│约定时间 Making a Date
Chapter 6│接打 Telephone Calls
Chapter 7│登幂访 Paying a Visit
Chapter 8│保持联络 Keeping in Touch
Chapter 9│请求帮助 Asking for Help
Chapter 10│告别再见 Farewell
个人情感 Personal Emotions
Chapter 1│喜 Happiness
Chapter 2│怒 Anger
Chapter 3│哀 Sorrow
Chapter 4│乐 Delight
职场商务 Career and Business Trade
工作 Work
Chapter 1│职业选择 Career Options
Chapter 2│面试 Interview
Chapter 3│入职培训 Orientation
Chapter 4│日常工作 Daily Work
Chapter 5│上班下班 Commuter Time
Chapter 6│请假 Taking a Leave
Chapter 7│加班工作 Overtime
Chapter 8│升职加薪 Promotion and
Getting a Raise
Chapter 9│同事关系 Colleague
Chapter 10│开会 Meetings
Chapter 11│工作压力 Working Pressure
Chapter 12│辞职解聘 Quitting and
商务 Business Trade
Chapter 1│产品介绍 Introductions of
Chapter 2│参观公 Visiting a
Chapter 3│接见客户 Reception of
Chapter 4│谈判签约 Contract and
Chapter 5│市场调研 Market Research
Chapter 6│营销计划 Marketing Plans
市场 Market
Chapter 1│商场超市 Supermarket and
Chapter 2│咨询选购 Inquiring and
Chapter 4│装送货 Package and
Chapter 5│投诉建议 Proposing and
休闲 Entertainment
兴趣爱好 Hobby
Chapter 1│唱歌 Singing
Chapter 2│乐器 Musical Instruments
Chapter 3│舞蹈 Dancing
Chapter 4│绘画 Painting
Chapter 5│阅读 Reading
Chapter 6│球赛 Games
Chapter 7│宠物 Pets
Chapter 8│电脑游戏 Computer Games
放松心情 Relaxing
Chapter 1│派对 Party
Chapter 2│展览 Exhibition
Chapter 3│美容 Cosmetology
Chapter 4│理发 Haircut
Chapter 5│游乐园 Amusement Park
运动健身 Sports
Chapter 1│瑜伽 Yoga
Chapter 2│散步跑步 Walking and
Chapter 3│足球 Football
Chapter 4│篮球 Basketball
Chapter 5│网球 Tennis
Chapter 6│高尔夫球 Golf
Chapter 7│游泳 Swimming
Chapter 8│骑自行车 Bike
电影明星 Movies and Movie Stars
Chapter 1│歌星影星 Stars
Chapter 2│电影 Movies
Chapter 3│电影节 Film Festivals
外出旅游 Traveling
旅游攻略 How to Travel
Chapter 1│假期 Vacation
Chapter 2│出游规划 Plans for Traveling
Chapter 3│气候天气 Weather
Chapter 4│远足 Hiking
Chapter 5│爬山 Climbing Mountains
Chapter 6│入住酒店 Checking in Hotels
Chapter 7│旅行社 Travel Agency
Chapter 8│签证 Visas
交通 Transportation
Chapter 1│问路 Asking for Directions
Chapter 2│公交车 Buses
Chapter 3│出租车 Taxi
Chapter 4│火车 Train
Chapter 5│地铁 Subway
Chapter 6│飞机 Plane
Chapter 7│自驾 Self—Driving
Chapter 8│轮船 Ship
Chapter 9│通关检查 Inspection
Chapter 10│交通意外 Transportation
景点 Scenery Spots
Chapter 1│景色景致 Scenery
Chapter 2│拍照留念 Taking Photos
公共体系 Public System
学校 School
Chapter 1│课程科目 Curriculum
Chapter 2│课堂 Class
Chapter 3│考试测试 Tests
Chapter 4│实验室 Lab
Chapter 5│图书馆 Library
Chapter 6│奖学金 Scholarship
Chapter 7│课外活动 Extracurricular
Chapter 8│论文 Dissertation
Chapter 9│毕业 Graduation
Chapter 10│留学 Studying Abroad
医院 Hospital
Chapter 1│挂号 Registration
Chapter 2│医 Medicine
Chapter 3│住院 Treatment
Chapter 4│做手术 Operations
Chapter 5│咨询医生 Consulting a Doctor
Chapter 6│注意事项 Medical Advice
Chapter 7│康复出院 Leaving Hospital
银行 Bank
Chapter 1│开户 Opening an Account
Chapter 2│存钱 Saving Money
Chapter 3│取钱 Drawing Money
Chapter 4│贷款 Loan
Chapter 5│信用卡 Credit Card
Chapter 6│支票 Cheque
Chapter 7│外币 Foreign Currency
局 Police Office
Chapter 1│求助 Emergency Calls
Chapter 2│犯罪 Crime
其他 Else
自然环境 Nature
Chapter 1│自然灾害 Natural Disasters
Chapter 2│环境污染 Environmental
Chapter 3│治理措施 Intervention Measure
政治 Politics
Chapter 1│政治纷争 Political Strife
Chapter 2│政府制度 Policies of the
经济 Economy
Chapter 1│经济状况 Financial Status
Chapter 2│经济危机 Financial Crisis
Chapter 3│投资理财 Investment





Chapter 2预订座位 Reservations
导读 Lead-in
在日常生活中, 我们经常需要预订餐位、 间等。 那么英文中, 又是如何表达预订的呢? 接下来, 让我们一起来看看预订的英语表达吧!
高频用句 Sentences
1. Do you want to reserve a table in this restaurant@ 你想在这家餐厅预订桌位吗?
类似表达: Would you like to reserve a table in this restaurant@
Do you want to book a table in this restaurant@
Do you want a reservation in this restaurant@
Do you need a table in this restaurant@
回答: Yeah, I want to reserve a table for six people. 是的, 我想订一个六人桌。
Yes, I need a table by the window. 是的, 我需要订一个靠近窗户的桌位。
In fact, I have already reserved one. 事实上, 我已经订过了。
No, I don't. I don't like this restaurant, because its service is quite awful.不, 我不想。 这家餐厅的服务太差, 所以我不喜欢。
2. I'd like to know if you accept reservations. 我想了解你们是否接受预订。
类似表达: May I know whether you accept reservations@
Could you tell me if you accept reservations@
I wonder whether you accept reservations or not.
回答: Yes, madam. What time would you like to reserve@ 我们接受预订, 女士。您想预订什么时间的?
Why not@ Which area do you prefer@ 为什么不呢? 您想预订哪个区域的位置?
Of course, we do. 当然, 我们接受预订。
Sorry, we don't. 抱歉, 我们不接受预订。
3. Whose name will the reservation be made under@ 这是以谁的名义预订的?
类似表达: Whose name will you reserve it under@
Please tell me whose name the reservation will be made under.
I'd like to know whose name the reservation will be made under.
I want to know whose name you will reserve it under.
回答: It's under yours. 以您的名义。 It's under his. 以他的名义。
It's under the name of everyone. 以大家的名义。
We have no idea, but I can check it for you right now. 我们也不清楚, 但是我可以立即帮您查看。
4. How many persons are there in your party@ 你们几位?
类似表达: How many people are there in your party@
How many people in your party@
How many people are there of you@
回答: There are six in our party. 我们有6个人。
There are six of us. 我们有6个人。
Six. I want a table for six. 6个。 我想要一个6人桌。
Six. We want to reserve a table for six. 6个。 我们想预订一个6人桌。
We want to make a reservation of six. 我们想预订一个6人桌。
5. I want to reserve a table by the window. 我想预订一个窗边的桌位。
类似表达: I want to book a table by the window. I'd like to sit by the window.
I prefer the table by the window. Can I reserve a table by the window@
回答: OK! 好的! Sorry, there is no table by the window. 抱歉, 没有靠近窗户的桌位了。
I'm sorry. There are only separate rooms left. 不好意思, 只剩下间了。
Sorry, sir. All the tables by the window have been reserved. 不好意思, 先生。所有靠近窗户的桌位都已经被预订了。
6. All the tables in our restaurant have been reserved. 餐桌都已经被预订了。
类似表达: Our restaurant is full. There is no table available in our restaurant.
回答: Bad luck! Could you call me if anyone cancels the reservation, please@ 运气真不好! 如果有人取消预订的话, 请您打通知我好吗?
OK! I will make the reservation in advance next time. 好吧! 我下次会提前预订。
模拟场景 Scenes
情景1: 预订 预订成功
A: Hello!
B: Hello, sir! What can I help you, please@
A: I'd like to reserve a private room for five.
B: OK!
A: 你好!
B: 你好, 先生! 请问您需要什么帮助?
A: 我想预订一个容纳五个人的间。
B: 好的!
情景2: 预订餐桌 遇到问题
A: Good afternoon!
B: Good afternoon, dear sir. What can I
do for you@
A: I need to reserve a table for four for
this evening. Can I@
B: Of course, you can.
A: By the way, it's by the window@
B: Sorry, sir. The tables by the window
have been reserved.
A: Could you call me if anyone cancels
the reservation, please@
B: No problem!
A: 下午好!
B: 下午好, 先生。 我可以为你做点什么?
A: 我需要预订一个今晚的四人桌。 可以吗?
B: 当然可以。
A: 顺便问一下, 桌子是靠窗户的吗?
B: 不好意思, 先生。 靠近窗户的桌位已经被预订了。
A: 如果有人取消预订, 请您打通知我好吗?
B: 没问题!
单词注释 Words
awful [170174170170:fl] adj. 糟糕的; 常的; 可怕的; 极坏的; adv. 常, 极
cancel [170174k170173nsl] vt. 抵消, 取消, 注销; vi. 中和, 抵消
短语解析 Phrases
· under the name of sb 以……的名义, 以……之名
under the name of 后接人名或者人称代词的宾格形尸 表示“ 以某人的名义” 。
· by the window 靠近窗户
by the window中的by是“靠近, 在……旁边” 的意思, by还可以与其他词组合,如: by the door意为“ 在门旁边” 。

Chapter 1唱歌 Singing
导读 Lead-in
闲 暇 时 光 里 , 不 少 人 喜 欢 与 歌 声 相伴。 无论是轻声哼唱, 还是放声高歌, 在英语中都有很多说法。 一起来学习有用的英语表达吧。
高频用句 Sentences
1. Do you enjoy this song@ 你喜欢这首歌吗?
类似表达: Do you like this song@ Do you love this song@
Do you appreciate this song@ Are you fond of this song@
回答: Yes, I do like this song. 是的, 我喜欢。 No, I don't. 不, 我不喜欢。
Not too bad. 还不错。 Just so-so. 一般吧。
2. What about beginning with this song@ 以这首歌开头怎么样?
类似表达: How about starting with this song@ How about singing this song first@
How about beginning with this song@
What about singing this song first@
回答: Pretty well. 很好。 Okay, let's do it. 好的, 我们开始吧。
Let's have a try. 我们试试吧。 Couldn't be better. 再好不过了。
3. This song is really far out! 这首歌真是太好听了。
类似表达: It's a very beautiful song. This is really a nice song.
This is a pleasant song. It's such a wonderful song.
4. This is my favorite song! 这是我…喜欢的歌!
类似表达: This is the song I like best. This song is my favorite one.
I like this song very much. This is my beloved song.
5. I would like to spend my spare time singing. 我喜欢在闲暇时唱唱歌。
类似表达: I would like to sing songs in my spare time.
It is my hobby to sing in my spare time.
It is a pleasure to sing in my spare time.
I would love to sing songs when I am free.
6. She is really good at singing. 她常会唱歌。
类似表达: She masters singing. Singing is really her forte.
She is adept at singing. She sings quite well.
7. I'm tone-deaf. 我五音不全。
类似表达: It seems that I have no ear for music. I can't even sing a note.
It would be like killing me to carry a tune!
8. Why don't you sing a song@ 你怎么不唱啊?
类似表达: Why not sing@ Why not sing a song@ Why don't you sing@
模拟场景 Scenes
情景1: 休闲时刻 相约放松
A: Hey, what are you going to do tonight@
B: I have no idea.
A: How about listening to Adele's album
in my home@
B: I'd love to.
A: 嘿, 今天晚上准备干点什么?
B: 不知道。
A: 那在我家听阿黛尔的唱片怎么样?
B: 好啊。
情景2: 酒吧相遇 畅谈乐队
A: Hi, what are you doing here@
B: What a piece of luck to see you! This
is my favorite singer.
A: Really@
B: Yes. He sings first-class.
A: Why don't you sing along with him@
B: I'm tone-deaf.
A: 嗨, 你在这儿干什么?
B: 在这见到你真是太巧了。 这是我…喜欢的歌手。
A: 真的吗?
B: 当然。 他可是一流的唱将。
A: 那你干嘛不跟着唱?
B: 我五音不全。
单词注释 Words
first-class [170174f170178:st170174kl170173s] adj. 流的; 的; 优秀的; adv. 优秀地; 地; 流地
tone-deaf [170174t170175170173n170175def] adj. 音盲的; 音痴的; 五音不全的; 唱歌跑调的
短语解析 Phrases
· be fond of 喜爱, 爱好; 疼爱
fond是形容词, 意思是“ 喜欢的; 多情的; 宠爱的; 盲目轻信的; 感兴趣的” 。 be fond of通常表示说话人对某物的喜爱之情。
· be interested in 对某事或某物或某人感兴趣的
interested是形容词, 意思是“ 感兴趣的; 拥有权益的; 有意见的” 。 be interested in通常表示说话人对某事常感兴趣的状态。


